Our Vision

At Wilderness Point Church, we envision a vibrant community of individuals who are deeply connected with nature and dedicated to the spiritual growth and well-being of all. We believe that the natural world is a sacred gift, a source of inspiration, and a gateway to experiencing the divine.

Our Vision

  1. Spiritual Connection through Nature: We strive to cultivate a profound spiritual connection with nature, recognizing it as a powerful conduit for encountering the divine. By embracing the beauty, tranquility, and wonder of the wilderness, we seek to deepen our relationship with the Creator and foster a sense of awe and gratitude.

  2. Environmental Stewardship: We are committed to being responsible stewards of the Earth and protecting the environment for future generations. We promote sustainable practices, advocate for conservation efforts, and actively engage in initiatives that preserve and restore the natural world. By doing so, we embody our belief in the interconnectedness of all life and honor our responsibility to care for God’s creation.

  3. Community and Fellowship: Wilderness Point Church is a welcoming and inclusive community where individuals from all walks of life can find solace, support, and meaningful connections. We foster a sense of belonging, encouraging authentic relationships and mutual care among our members. Through shared experiences in nature, communal worship, and fellowship, we create a space where people can nurture their souls and find spiritual nourishment.

  4. Holistic Spiritual Growth: We are dedicated to nurturing the holistic development of each individual. Our programs and activities encompass spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Through contemplative practices, inspirational teachings, and opportunities for personal growth, we empower our members to deepen their spiritual journey, cultivate resilience, and live with purpose and authenticity.

  5. Engaged Outreach: As a church rooted in nature, we believe in active engagement with our local and global communities. We strive to be a positive force for change, advocating for justice, compassion, and the well-being of all beings. Through outreach programs, partnerships, and service projects, we seek to address social, environmental, and humanitarian issues, extending our love and care beyond our immediate community.

  6. Inspiring Worship: Our worship services are a celebration of the divine presence in nature and a time of collective reflection, inspiration, and communion. We draw upon diverse spiritual traditions, incorporating elements of ritual, music, poetry, and art to create meaningful and transformative worship experiences. Through these sacred gatherings, we aim to ignite the spark of spiritual awakening and foster a deep sense of reverence for the interconnected web of life.

Wilderness Point Church