
Flourishing in Faith, Thriving in Community!

Welcome to the Women’s Ministry at Wilderness Point Church! We believe that women play a vital role in the Kingdom of God, and our ministry is designed to empower, inspire, and equip women to live out their God-given purpose. We invite you to join us in “Wilderness Women: Flourishing in Faith, Thriving in Community!”

In our Women’s Ministry, you can expect:

  1. Sisterhood and Fellowship: We create a nurturing and supportive environment where women can build authentic connections, foster deep friendships, and find a sense of belonging. Through small groups, retreats, and social events, we cultivate a community of women who encourage, uplift, and celebrate one another.

  2. Bible Studies and Devotionals: We provide opportunities for women to study God’s Word together, dive into meaningful discussions, and grow in their faith. Our Bible studies and devotionals are designed to address topics that resonate with women’s lives, equipping them with biblical principles to navigate various aspects of their journey.

  3. Mentoring and Discipleship: We believe in the power of mentorship and discipleship. Our ministry facilitates mentorship programs where older women pour into the lives of younger women, offering guidance, wisdom, and support. Through intentional relationships, we encourage women to grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

  4. Retreats and Conferences: We organize retreats and conferences specifically tailored for women, providing opportunities for spiritual refreshment, personal growth, and encountering God’s presence. These events include times of worship, dynamic teachings, workshops, and moments of reflection and renewal.

  5. Practical Workshops and Seminars: We offer practical workshops and seminars that address relevant topics in women’s lives, such as marriage, parenting, relationships, self-care, and personal development. These sessions provide practical tools, resources, and biblical insights to empower women in their everyday lives.

  6. Service and Outreach: We believe in the power of women making a difference in their communities. Our ministry encourages women to engage in service projects, volunteer opportunities, and outreach initiatives that extend God’s love and compassion to those in need.

  7. Prayer and Healing Ministry: We emphasize the importance of prayer and provide spaces for women to seek God, intercede for one another, and experience His healing touch. We offer prayer gatherings, healing services, and resources for spiritual growth and emotional well-being.

  8. Celebrating Womanhood: We celebrate the unique beauty, strength, and gifts that each woman brings. Through special events, creative expressions, and times of celebration, we honor womanhood and empower women to embrace their identity as daughters of the Most High God.

Wilderness Women, let’s journey together as we grow in our faith, inspire one another, and impact our families, communities, and beyond. It’s time to embrace our calling, discover our purpose, and flourish as women of faith in “Wilderness Women: Flourishing in Faith, Thriving in Community!”

Wilderness Point Church